What is Developmental Kindergarten?
Developmental Kindergarten or DK is a program for kindergarten age students that allows for the gift of an extra year for students to develop socially and emotionally while still being challenged academically. Our DK program is a 5 day tuition-free program.
Is DK a pre-school program?
No. DK is a program for kindergarten age students who may not be ready for the rigor of an academic kindergarten. Michigan law states that a child entering kindergarten must be 5 years of age by September 1 of the year they enroll. However, students that will be 5 years old by December 1 are still eligible if the school is provided written notification.
How does DK differ from Kindergarten?
DK at Concord Academy is a literacy rich, play based program designed to lay a strong foundation for future readers, while supporting social, emotional, large, and fine motor development. With Michigan's new law, Read by Grade Three, traditional kindergarten classrooms are much more academic than in the past. If students are not reading at grade level by the end of third grade, the new law requires mandatory retention. Students coming out of our Developmental Kindergarten are much more ready for an academic Kindergarten program.
Our DK and Kindergarten teachers work closely with parents and spend time assessing each student prior to the first day of school to be sure parents and staff are in agreement as to which program is the best fit for a child.